General Membership Meeting Rescheduled

We have rescheduled our GMM to Wednesday, December 13 at 7PM

We need to hold elections for several new positions that have been created with the addition of the Aquatics Department.

  • Election of Taggart Housing Department Health & Safety Officer
  • Election of Taggart Aquatics Health & Safety Officer
  • Election of Ruddy Aquatics Health & Safety Officer
  • Election of Carlingwood Aquatics Health & Safety Officer
  • Election of Clarence-Rockland Aquatics Health & Safety Officer

The Election of the Health & Safety Chair will be conducted after the site/department officers have been elected and they will choose their own chair.

  • Election of Taggart Housing Department Steward
  • Election of Taggart Aquatics Steward
  • Election of Ruddy Aquatics Steward
  • Election of Carlingwood Aquatics Steward
  • Election of Clarence-Rockland Aquatics Steward

The Election of the Grievance Chair will be conducted after the site/department stewards have been elected and they will choose their own chair.

We need to hold 3 votes:

  •  We need to increase the budget for the party by an additional $500
  • Amend the By-Laws to include newly created Union positions required with the addition of the Aquatics Department & to have the By-Laws reflect how we have been operating since the inception of the Union
  • Start collecting dues from Aquatics – same process was used with the Housing Department; the rationale is to continue building a bank account for trainings & conferences.